Unrest at Emory University: The True Face of Campus Protests


The recent events at Emory University have left many in shock and dismay as chaos and disorder broke out on campus. Videos circulating on social media show unruly students shouting and causing mayhem, with police officers having to intervene and make an arrest. But what is the real story behind these protests? As a conservative, I can't help but see this situation as a perfect example of the destructive nature of today's campus activism.

It all started with a group of students protesting against a visiting conservative speaker, claiming that his views were "hateful" and "offensive." But instead of peacefully expressing their disagreement, these students resorted to causing disruption and creating a hostile environment for both the speaker and those who wanted to attend the event. Is this what universities have become? A breeding ground for intolerant and close-minded individuals who can't handle opposing viewpoints?


As the chaos escalated, the police were called in to maintain order. And this is where the situation took a disturbing turn. One student, who was resisting arrest, was apprehended by the officers.

But instead of acknowledging their mistake and peacefully complying with the authorities, the rest of the protesters saw this as an opportunity to escalate the situation further. What happened to respecting law and order? What happened to understanding the consequences of one's actions?

But what is even more alarming is the reaction of the university administration. Instead of condemning the actions of the protesters and standing by the rule of law, they chose to side with the students and even went as far as apologizing for the "trauma" caused by the police presence on campus. This is the kind of behavior that perpetuates and enables this toxic campus activism. Where is the accountability for the actions of these students? Why are their disruptive and disrespectful behaviors being rewarded?

As a conservative, I believe in the value of free speech and open dialogue. It is through respectful and civil discourse that we can learn from each other and challenge our own beliefs. But what happened at Emory University was anything but that. These protesters claim to fight for tolerance and inclusivity, yet they resort to violence and disruption to silence those who hold different opinions. Is this really the kind of environment we want on our college campuses?

But let's not forget the bigger picture here. These campus protests are not just about a visiting speaker or a single event. They are part of a larger agenda to push a leftist ideology and silence any dissenting voices. And unfortunately, many universities have become a breeding ground for this kind of behavior, as seen at Emory University. It's time for universities to prioritize education and open-mindedness over political agendas and disruptive activism.

In conclusion, the recent events at Emory University have shown us the true face of campus protests from a conservative perspective. It is a sad reality that instead of promoting critical thinking and respectful discourse, universities have become a battleground for radical ideologies and intolerant behaviors. It's time for all of us to take a step back and reflect on what kind of environment we want for our future generations. Because if this is the future of our universities, then the future looks bleak indeed.

What are YOUR thoughts on the rioting?

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  1. Students from other countries must be sent back home and the rest put in jail.
    Working people can not afford to take time off to protest but pardon me these students can??

    • Also, students who are paying for their own education are too busy working and studying to participate in these kinds of activities! Where are the parents who are paying for their intolerant, spoiled children to attend Universities?

  2. I suggest reinstituting the draft. Get these young men and women
    into the military to learn discipline and sacrifice, not to mention some
    appreciation for the freedom they enjoy!!!

    • Except our current military is being run by these same morons in our current government. DEI has taken over any hope of normalcy. Our government is encouraging this type of behavior. They want division among the people – they’re much easier to control. We need to get rid of the Teachers Union, reform the school boards, vet the teachers and get back to teaching curriculum instead of anarchy. DEI has to go!

  3. Another thought: The actions of the students also reflects lack of
    parental discipline. If one of my kids took part, I’d yank them out of the
    school post haste.

  4. What you see in this video must be done or this madness will just continue. Foreign students should be sent back to their own countries. American students should be expelled and the people who run these universities should be fired on the spot. THEN, all of this madness will stop. Until this happens these out of control morons will continue to show their ignorance.

  5. Call in the National Guard. Better yet, they should lose their freedom here and be sent to Gaza. Arrest them for terrorism against the United States and send the far farrrrrrr away!

  6. universities are no longer institutions of higher learning ..breeding grounds for radical ,Aniti-Amercan behavior…expel them ,jail them fine them …parents what have you created?

    • It’s not totally the parents fault in many cases. The kids have been indoctrinated and brainwashed in the school system for decades right under our noses. Parents chose to ignore the changes in their little darlings with a “not my child” attitude. This was well-orchestrated by the socialist/communist regime over time and no one saw this coming.

      • In 1970, when I was twelve years old, I knew the educational system of the USA was a joke. When I went to college, I knew it was evil. The evil is now making itself known.

  7. All students who protest are keeping the others on campus from attending class. They should not allowed to attend that school and a notice of put on their application. The students from another country should be sent home and not allowed to attend any school in the US. Any professor who condoned anti semitism should be fired. So far there seems to be no consequences for disruption of classes on these campasses

  8. Let’s go back to the days of Kent state riots and have the National Guard have some realistic training. Send them in and beat the crap outa them then administer the academic justice like expulsion or sent back to there home countries. I’m sure after 1 maybe 2 incidents using the Guard they’ll protest peacefully.

  9. Parents, vote with your dollars. These are not the only overpriced universities.
    Sue to have the universities charters revoked. A degree is not a guarantee of a job nor success. If the degree costs more than the opportunities.
    Time to reevaluate the course your on.

  10. It is a total shame that these students aren’t smart enough to actually use their brains, instead of being brainwashed by the Universities and schools. Lock them up.

  11. So thankful my granddaughter is graduating in December. They walk on campus and in classrooms never knowing if there is going to be a shooter, so by the time they get to class they already have high anxiety. Respect starts at the highest level, our appointed officials show no respect for the law, some parents show no respect for the law, kids therefore have been raised in this environment and absolutely show no respect for parents or the law. It has to stop at the top. Parents have to discipline their children and children have to face strong disciplinary action.

  12. Is this why our president pushed so hard to repay students’ tuition; so that the left could control them. These students and the administration are being influenced by the left. Is this what we want our tax dollars paying for? Talk of free college education for all is irresponsible if the students are going to stage this kind of protests. I believe in free speech for all but not endangering our fellow man. Peaceful protests are natural. Give your opinions and allow others to do the same.

  13. These are RIOTS……..destructive & hate filled. Strangely enough those interviewed had NO IDEA what they were rioting for. Wonder if the FBI will track down ALL of those in the crowd & drag them into jail for months without charges or a trial? Does that sound familiar??

  14. Deport the Foreigner’s and put the Rest of the Childish tantrum throwers in jail. Deny bail based on the Terrorism laws for those supporting Terrorists and threatening Israeli students and citizens. PERIOD.

  15. I am just sick of what is happening on our College Campuses.
    At 78 years I just don’t understand what is going on our country.
    I have always been a conservative and there was I time you could talk things out with liberals and no voices were raised.
    Now I don’t dare say my political beliefs for fear of a beating or have protesters in front of my house. I am not blowing smoke these times are very scary.
    I can’t believe the leadership of Emory would apologise to their students and demeaning the Police Officer.
    If I had a child there I would pull them out in a heartbeat and get them to work or tell them they are on their own.
    I pray that the instigators are jailed and charged with insurgence!! Follow the money and may God help us!

  16. If the hamas and American hating protesters stay up north they will be fine. If they come down south there will be trouble. I love my Flag and support my great country. I will never support a terrorist organization and people that support killing babies and rape. I’m a Veteran and Imysure millions of veterans feel the same as I do.

  17. If the hamas and American hating protesters stay up north they will be fine. If they come down south there will be trouble. I love my Flag and support my great country. I will never support a terrorist organization and people that support killing babies and rape. I’m a Veteran and I’m sure millions of veterans feel the same as I do. God bless America.


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