New Evidence Suggests Jeffrey Epstein May Have Been Murdered


In a shocking twist to the already controversial case of Jeffrey Epstein's death, new claims have surfaced that challenge the official narrative of suicide. Mark Epstein, brother of the convicted sex offender, has come forward with what he describes as never-before-seen evidence pointing towards the possibility of murder.

During an interview, Mark Epstein revealed his initial belief that his brother had taken his own life. However, this belief was upended following the autopsy results. He hired Dr. Michael Baden, a respected forensic pathologist, to observe the autopsy, and both Dr. Baden and city pathologist Dr. Kristin Roman could not conclude suicide due to the nature of the injuries, including three broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein's neck, which they found atypical for a hanging.

The conversation took a critical turn when discussing Attorney General William Barr's public statement on the case. Mark Epstein expressed skepticism over Barr's claim that after reviewing surveillance footage, no one entered or exited the tier where Jeffrey's cell was located, leading him to conclude it was a suicide. Mark questioned the plausibility of Barr personally reviewing hours of footage and suggested it might be an attempt to obscure the truth.

Adding to the mystery, Mark Epstein mentioned hearing about cell doors being left unlocked on the tier, allowing other prisoners access to Jeffrey's cell. He has been attempting to gather information about the other inmates present at the time, their length of stay, and current whereabouts, but has faced obstacles in obtaining this information.

Mark Epstein also pointed out procedural irregularities in the handling of his brother's body, which should not have been moved before the medical examiner's arrival. The position and condition of a deceased person are crucial for forensic analysis, yet in this case, such protocols were not followed.

Further doubts were raised by the lack of lividity, or blood pooling, in Jeffrey Epstein's legs and buttocks, which would be expected if he had died by hanging in a seated position as described by official reports. Autopsy photos obtained by Mark showed no such signs, casting doubt on the official description of how Jeffrey was discovered.

The ligature mark on Jeffrey Epstein's neck also raised questions. It was located in the middle of the neck rather than higher up under the chin, which would be more consistent with a hanging. This discrepancy led to speculation that the death might have been caused by ligature strangulation, similar to the use of a garrote.

These revelations have reignited discussions and theories surrounding the circumstances of Jeffrey Epstein's death. With so many unanswered questions and inconsistencies, the call for a deeper investigation into the matter is growing louder among those who believe that justice has yet to be served.


  1. What about reports of a short blonde female guard seen walking down towards Epstein’s cell , has any one checked her out . You know the one , thick thighs , bubble butt .

  2. I don’t know anyone who believes Epstein committed suicide. It was too quick and too many questions left unanswered.

  3. Never will anyone admit he was murdered. Clintons will make sure of that. Justice system is so corrupt , Barr is a complete failure of a human being. He lies about everything. He betrayed President Trump so he would still have a job. Democrats are just evil. They know the FBI has all the evidence of them abusing children. Wray will keep it locked away until someone files charges against him and then he will use it get out of jail. Biden knows but they don’t care. Biden is so totally insane that no one would believe him. That is why he is still in office. He just there to entertain you.


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