Analyzing Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs’ Controversial Veto of Bill to Combat Voter Fraud


In recent years, the issue of voter fraud has become a hot topic, with many conservatives arguing that stricter measures need to be put in place to protect the integrity of elections. And in Arizona, the battle has reached a fever pitch as Governor Katie Hobbs has just made a shocking move that has left many conservatives in disbelief.

In a move that has sparked outrage among conservatives, Governor Hobbs has vetoed a crucial bill that aimed to prevent voter fraud in the state. This decision has only further solidified the growing divide between the two political parties and their stances on this contentious issue.

According to sources, the bill would have required voters to provide identification when casting their ballots, a measure that many conservatives believe is necessary to prevent fraudulent votes. However, Governor Hobbs has argued that this bill would disproportionately affect minority and low-income voters, effectively silencing their voices.

But conservatives are not buying this reasoning, and they see this veto as yet another attempt by the left to undermine the integrity of the democratic process. They argue that requiring identification is a common practice in many other aspects of daily life, such as purchasing alcohol or boarding a plane, and should not be viewed as a burden when it comes to something as important as voting.

Furthermore, many conservatives are pointing out that this veto comes at a time when allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election are still being investigated. With these ongoing concerns, they see this decision by Governor Hobbs as a blatant disregard for the will of the people and a threat to the foundation of democracy.

On top of that, many conservatives are accusing Governor Hobbs of playing partisan politics and catering to the liberal agenda. They argue that her veto is not based on genuine concern for disenfranchised voters but rather a ploy to gain favor with the left and secure her position in the upcoming election.

In response to this controversial move, there has been a call for further investigation into Governor Hobbs and her motives. Some are questioning her connections to prominent liberal figures and organizations and wondering if her veto was influenced by outside forces.

But despite the backlash, Governor Hobbs stands by her decision, stating that she will not support any legislation that could potentially disenfranchise voters. And while this may appease her liberal supporters, it has only further deepened the divide between the two political ideologies in Arizona.

As the battle over voter fraud rages on, this veto by Governor Hobbs serves as a stark reminder of the deep-rooted divide between conservatives and liberals and the importance of protecting the integrity of our electoral process. Only time will tell how this decision will ultimately impact the future of Arizona and the country as a whole.

What are YOUR thoughts on Katie Hobbs?

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  1. Too homely to get a date, so she went in to politics, and quickly learned that the political prostitutes of the left were always the most successful election stealers, so being morally tepid, she joined them. Try a personality transplant you pathetic cheat!

    • You called her morally tepid – why are you being so kind? She couldn’t possibly have been tepid before she was elected. That’s not what got her elected, which wasn’t really by the honest voters. You don’t go from tepid to downright evil. She was evil to begin with. Also, isn’t it racist saying ” that this bill would disproportionately affect minority and low-income voters, effectively silencing their voices.”? Why would expecting voter ID to vote be disproportionate? Even if one doesn’t have a drivers license, one could get a non-driver ID from the DMV. This is such a lame excuse that the Dems keep spouting which is not true.

  2. Funny but sounds like it a perfect response!! Dems DO NOT care about votes being protected! They will do anytning legal or illegial to win!!!!! Voter fraud is their way to win while America loses!!!!!

    • Doesn’t she realize how racist this decision is? That minorities are incapable of procuring IDs? Dems will do anything they can to win and care not about legalities.

  3. I didn’t trust Hobbs in her last election , and I thought she helped cheat against Trump in last election. She should be hauled out of office and sentenced to prison. She is just another liberal slug ! Wake up Arizona ! Dump this POS !

  4. Does Governor Hobbs realize that in order to vote in Mexico one needs a valid voter ID? To think an ID will disenfranchise minority voters is inane. An ID should be required yo vote to keep our country a democracy. No mail-in ballots, no ballot harvesting!

  5. She’s a G.D. CROOK, plain and simple. Becoming our S.O.S. at the last minute was suspicious enough, the she changed many of our election rules, fought investigation into the 2020 election, didn’t recluse herself heading into her own election for Governor, magically won the Governorship from a much more popular candidate (Lake) (again suspiciously). Now as our “installed” Governor she has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to control our border, make any improvement’s in citizen’s live’s or Arizona for that matter. Only things up are inflation, crime, homelessness, drugs, dissatisfaction with government. Seem’s to be the democratic party hallmark across America.

  6. This is a bunch of B.S. that the the Democrats always use. “It disenfranchises the voters. Like I said this is total B.S. You have to show I.D. when you go to the Doctor, board a Plane and many other places. My wife and I ALWAYS show our Drivers License when we go to vote even though Pa. does not require it. If you have nothing to hide and want to vote legally why not show I.D.? Disenfranchising the voters is B.S. The Democrats want every excuse to steal and corrupt every election.

  7. I really do not understand those who believe minorities do not have the wherewithal to get an ID. My mother was 90 years old, didn’t drive, moved to Florida and was able to get a state ID. She HAD to have one because, at the stores where she shopped, she wrote checks. They required and ID. When she came to visit me in Jersey, she needed it to get on a plane. Why is this so difficult? Especially when we have millions of illegals (they are illegal) crossing our borders. They have no right to be here and have no right to vote. As a former HR person, I can tell you, the illegals are not undocumented, they have multiple documentations….they switch out every time they are caught. Katie, you are a blockhead Marxist.

  8. I’m in Virginia and I 100% agree. We need to go to a ballot box on voting day and yes you show ID for pharmacy, alcohol, and most other things like the bank, dmv. I feel it’s a disgrace to be dishonesty there should be especially voting for the President. Let’s be clear the Dems will do anything to win and turn this great country socialist. I hope we have some people out there that want a honest election, and a Democracy.

  9. Katie Hobbs – Gobblin You are a real piece of work. Then I guess we can all throw away our identys. If we do not need identification to vote in a Presidential Election then we can put identy in the toilet and flush. You are eat up with the DUMB A**. Karma is Hell and you are headed for Karma and Hell. Have a wonderful trip.

  10. Leon – I can’t believe anyone would vote against keeping our votes legal! I have helped at polls for over50 years. Not only as a person that helps establish you are on a list to vote, but also as a Marshal. Why would any individual vote to make our elections unsafe by not requiring at least a picture and good individual I.D..? A definite request to see if you are a real U.S. citizen! Hobbs is not a U. S. Citizen if she does not agree we need to keep our voting secure!

  11. Voter ID = Minority Vote Suppression? So Let me get this straight Hobbs…No black or Latinos can get an ID? I see an awful lot of them driving around in cars. Are they driving without a license? I see those Same black and Latino drivers driving around in LICENSED cars and trucks. I’m pretty certain a “minority” is perfectly capable of obtaining an ID. I’m also pretty certain they know how to vote. Your Voter ID thoughts have NO MERIT! Just another excuse to steal votes. You refused to Recuse yourself as Secretary of State when you ran for governor. Now this! If I was black, latino or asian, I would be insulted!

  12. When are State Legislation’s going to convene hearings and get testimony under oath from the Governor, Elections Leader and people that worked the polls? Put them under the gun and see who flips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Governor in her pic above said she stole her election? Get her to say that under oath!!!!!!!

  13. The woman is a lying piece of post digested food. She KNOWS if ID is required the dems will be voted out. She cheated to get in. She’ll cheat to stay in. As far as I’m concerned, she belongs in jail for fraud. Not in public office.


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